Sunday 3 November 2013

Car Seals with RFID - is there any point?

Here at  Total Lockout we're always looking at ways to grow our business by increasing our product portfolio. Especially if the product is niche, novel or even finding a new use for an established product.

We're currently reviewing cable ties with embedded RFID technology. Essentially this is a standard plastic tie seal; close to the head is an RFID tag securely embedded in the head of the seal. The product is gaining wide usage in lifting equipment applications. The tie is attached to a piece of lifting equipment and the hardware is used to identify inspection routines.
cable tie rfid

This got us thinking as to whether this same product could be used for in car seal (valve sealing) applications to record the identity, location and application of the sealed valve.

And here our experience is limited. We would be pleased to receive comments from individuals who implement car seal programs to established whether such functionality has a value in the field. 

Please feel free to comment.

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